Is a 30-Year Fixed Loan My Best Option?

The Best Loan Option

When looking at the best type of mortgage to get, we first need to look at your specific situation. Unfortunately there’s no one-size fits all solution when it comes to the best type of mortgage. Some types of mortgage will work for some situations while other types will work better for other situations.

For example, if you’re looking to sell your home relatively quickly or if you can’t afford the fixed interest rate, an adjustable rate mortgage may be the best choice for you. If you have the cash to cover your bills, a 15-year mortgage will result in you paying less interest over time.

Really there are many different solutions available, depending on your unique needs. If you’re ready to apply for a mortgage today, use our handy pre-approval tool to see what you may qualify for!

First-Time Homebuyer

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sets criteria to define first-time homebuyers. Helps lenders identify and allows to track their numbers.

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