Improving your credit score can be challenging, but understanding the key factors that impact your score is essential. Key strategies include making on-time payments, paying down credit card balances, and avoiding closing your oldest credit accounts. Timely payments, which account for 35% of your FICO® score, are crucial for building a strong credit history. Reducing your credit utilization rate, which impacts 30% of your score, can also boost your credit. Additionally, diversifying your credit mix and limiting new credit applications can improve your score over time, while disputing inaccuracies on your credit report can quickly address errors.
Taking actionable steps like becoming an authorized user on someone else’s account can also provide a quick credit boost. While some actions show results within a few months, others, like improving your credit mix or building credit history, can take years. By consistently making smart financial decisions, you can steadily raise your credit score and increase your financial opportunities.