Discount Points
Discount points, commonly referred to as points, are a form of prepaid interest on your loan that can help lower your overall interest rate. These points are payments made upfront during the closing phase of a mortgage transaction.
One point equals 1% of the total mortgage amount and typically reduces your interest rate by approximately 0.25%. Additionally, the cost of discount points is tax-deductible in the year they are paid, which can provide an extra financial benefit.
As a borrower, you may find it advantageous to pay for discount points, as this can lead to lower monthly payments over the life of the loan. However, it’s essential to remain committed to the loan for the entire term to fully benefit from the decreased monthly payments and to recoup the costs associated with the points.
Lenders also gain from this arrangement, as they receive money upfront rather than relying solely on monthly interest payments. In the event of a loan default, lenders face less risk of loss because they have already collected some of the interest in advance.